Fixed fee request form

Planning drawings

Planning application

Planning application
2 weeks development & submission
9 weeks council to make decision

Sequence of work (included):

1 - Site visit

2 - Existing house measurements

3 - Proposed design coordination with the client on site

4 - Development of the Existing and Proposed drawings (general furniture arrangement in 2D included). If required by the Thames Water or other water suppliers then existing and proposed sewage pipes arrangement will be included for build over agreement.

5 - Proposed design / plans are coordinated with client until client is fully happy and ready for submission to council

6 - Completion of all required documentation for successful planning application and submission to the council (client pays council planning fees)

7 - Communication with council planning officers until the decision is issued.

Usually it takes 11 Weeks from the first site visit until the decision date.

*  -  Fee is based on a typical project geometry and may vary depending on specific client requirements and non standard house geometry.

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